On Wed, 28 May 1997 18:28:03 -0400, you wrote:

>I can't really comment on your specific problem as ftape is working
>fine for my Iomega Ditto 800. I think the messages indicate that there
>were write errors on different segments of your tape but the retries
>succeded. You could try to format your tape with the new ftape-3.03
>but it takes approx. 4 hours. 


has anyone experiance with differen tapes. Normaly i use TR-1 (400MB)
tapes. Everything worked fine (no errors). Yesterday I tried a Qic
80XL (120 MB) tape out of speed issues. I was of course faster (only
95 meters long) but the backup seems to produce more errors. Are these
tapes more insecure than the TR-1?

I am using a Ditto Easy800...bjs

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