Brian K Servis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> WAIT A MINUTE......I just discovered something as I was checking the
> log files. ifconfig is making kerneld try to load some net-pf-4 and
> net-pf-5 module?  What is this?  I can't find any reference to it in
> the kernel-source.
> %root% date ; ifconfig lo
> Wed Jun  4 12:49:12 CDT 1997
> [snippet of /var/log/daemon]
> Jun  4 12:49:12 servis modprobe: can't locate module net-pf-4
> Jun  4 12:49:12 servis modprobe: can't locate module net-pf-5
> This must be the root of the problem!  Any pointers.

Unfortunately this is unlikely.  net-pf-4 and net-pf-5 are things like
Appletalk and IPX, which you probably haven't compiled into your
kernel.  See `/etc/conf.modules'.

I can't see what other problems there would be.  Maybe someone else
has experienced this and solved it?

                Carey Evans  <*>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

            "Lies, damn lies, and computer documentation."

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