On Fri, 6 Jun 1997, J.P.D. Kooij wrote:

:On Thu, 5 Jun 1997, Nathan E Norman wrote:
:> For what it's worth, I upgraded from 1.2 to 1.3 about a week ago on a
:> server that is authoritative for a few zones ... no problems at all.
:I forgot to mention the following: I let the install script change my 
:existing setup, did you do this too?

I believe I did - it certainly has the "new" style named.boot, etc.

:> I realise this doesn't assist you in solving your immediate problem, but
:> I'm not so sure that the Debian package is to blame..
:Well, I'm not really authoritative on bind matters, but I thought that on 
:previous ( < 1.3 ) installations, you could issue "nslookup localhost" 
:and it would work then. Now I get:
:  calypso# nslookup localhost
:  *** Can't find server name for address Non-existent host/domain
:  *** Default servers are not available

Here's what I get when I execute 'nslookup localhost':

Server:  endor

Name:    localhost.cfni.com

Notice that I did defy the package default of specifying the local IP
address as a nameserver in resolv.conf and instead left it as,
as the first edition BIND book suggests.  I have no idea if this matters
:) (I also would not call myself a BIND guru).

I also see that I have a localhost entry in my primary SOA zone file ...
and I don't have a named.local file, which named.options seems to expect
to exist.  It looks like I may have gotten lucky :)

If you like I can send snippets of my zone files. etc. if that would
somehow be helpful.

  Nathan Norman    :    Hostmaster CFNI    :    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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