So they didn't test it. I don't suppose a CD publisher who is
distributing other folks' stuff would ever be able to--especially in
the absence of a test suite. Their test should be to deliver a
pre-press CD to Debian for confirmation.

Don't change vendors, change procedures. If InfoMagic can't play by an
"allow-verification-of-master" procedure with the agreement that they
won't publish it if not approved (in a timely manner) by Debian...
*then* change vendors.


> Date: Thu, 5 Jun 1997 09:33:54 -0400
> From: Glenn Amerine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: (debian)
> Subject: Re: April Infomagic LDR & Debian
> Resent-From:
> >>>>> "Eric" == E L Meijer \(Eric\) <E.L.> writes:
>     Eric> Glenn asked:
>     >> Does anyone know if Infomagic corrected the missing files for
>     >> Debian on their April LDR?
>     Eric> I complained about the missing files to InfoMagic and got
>     Eric> the following reply:
>     Eric> 
>     Eric> E.L.
>     Eric>     This set was mirrored on the basis of what the Debian
>     Eric> Folks put on their site for a stable distribution.  We
>     Eric> didn't include any of the beta release.
>     Eric> regards, henry m. pierce
>     Eric> 
>     Eric> Now there is a short uninterested reply if ever I saw one.
>     Eric> It is possible that it is true though.  That's why I think
>     Eric> it is a good idea that there will be official CD images.
>     Eric> Maybe the Debian community should not forbid anyone to just
>     Eric> mirror the ftp-site, but it would be nice if proven CD
>     Eric> releases get an `official debian release' stamp or something
>     Eric> like that.  Obviously, InfoMagic is not going to get one.
> Their reply also indicates they didn't try to install their product
> before shipping to the masses. That it pretty bad quality control. I
> guess it is time to change vendors.
> Thanks for the info!
> Glenn
> --
> Glenn Amerine                           Inet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Computer Systems Analyst              Voice: (614)224-1336
> Metropolitan Human Services Commission        Fax: (614)224-6472
> --
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