On Fri, 6 Jun 1997, Paul Serice wrote:

> Oh boy.  I've downloaded and installed StarOffice.  I can't believe
> they're giving this away.
> Anyway, it runs fine.  The only thing is I'm having a difficult time
> creating a menu item for fvwm95 minding, though, that it executes
> properly when I just type in "swriter3" in an xterm.
> The entry in .fvwm95 I'm using looks like all the rest:
>             + "StarWriter"                  Exec swriter &
> Would someone be so kind as to post their menu entry for any of the
> StarOffice products.

are you using the debian menu package?  i put this in the file
/etc/menu/local-staroffice ---excuse the long lines....
X11 Apps/StarOffice staroffice/scalc none "SCalc" 
X11 Apps/StarOffice staroffice/schart none "SChart" 
X11 Apps/StarOffice staroffice/sdraw none "SDraw" 
X11 Apps/StarOffice staroffice/simage none "SImage" 
X11 Apps/StarOffice staroffice/smath none "SMath" 
X11 Apps/StarOffice staroffice/swriter none "SWriter" 


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