Two things:
  1. You could include the full path.
  2. Environment variables. If you are using xdm to start X, you
     can "source" (or whatever filename your use) in your 
     $HOME/.xsession file to set the environment as you log in. 
     Then your menu should work. Or if those variables are set or
     sourced by .bashrc (or equal) you can just source .bashrc.

I am not sure if this is an issue when you start X with the startx
script. But if so, it should be able to be cured in a similar manner.
On Fri, 6 Jun 1997, Paul Serice wrote:

> Oh boy.  I've downloaded and installed StarOffice.  I can't believe
> they're giving this away.
> Anyway, it runs fine.  The only thing is I'm having a difficult time
> creating a menu item for fvwm95 minding, though, that it executes
> properly when I just type in "swriter3" in an xterm.
> The entry in .fvwm95 I'm using looks like all the rest:
>             + "StarWriter"                  Exec swriter &
> Would someone be so kind as to post their menu entry for any of the
> StarOffice products.
> Second question:  There don't appear to be any Debian specific Gotchas.
> Has anyone run across something that could be hiding in the wings.
> Oh yeah.  One other thing.  I'm curious to know if Debian has inquired
> with StarDivision regarding distributing StarOffice as a Debian package
> and what resulted.
> Thanks
> Paul
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