> On Thu, 5 Jun 1997, Brad Bell wrote:
> > and put it in /etc/menu.  anything that starts with 'local' is installed, 
> > regardless of what debian packages are installed. this is an inadequately
> > documented feature of menu (buried in a changelog file... hmpth :P )
> whoops!  i guess i'll have to retract this statement-- it is indeed in the
> new docs!  sorry--

Well, if that's true, I'll have to rewrite the docs: it doesn't work
for new-format menuentry files (and the ones in /usr/lib/menu/default
are new-format).

In menu_1.4-1 (not released yet) you will be able (for new-format menuentries)
to do something like:


But unfortunately, this doesn't work in 1.3 (I'd consider that a bug).

For the old-format menuentries (the ones that don't start with a "?" on
the first colum), update-menus looks at the filename to decide
whether to include that menuentry. For the new-format menuentries,
update-menus looks at the "?package(...)" stuff in the menuentry file
itself, and _not_ at the filename any more.

The new (1.4) README will have this paragraph:

> ************************
> * (User-) Configuring the menu's
> A user can specify her/his own menu entries in the ~/.menu directory.
> The files can have any name you want, and should start with eighter:
>   ?package(installed-package):
> or, if it's something that isn't "debian-officially" installed, with
>   ?package(local.mystuff):
> Any "package" that starts with "local." is considered installed.
>   (due to a bug in menu-1.3 this didn't work then).
> If your using old format menuentryfiles should have names of 
> installed packages, or "local.name", as update-menus assumes any 
> "package" who's name starts with "local" is installed.

joost witteveen, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
#!/bin/perl -sp0777i<X+d*lMLa^*lN%0]dsXx++lMlN/dsM0<j]dsj
$/=unpack('H*',$_);$_=`echo 16dio\U$k"SK$/SM$n\EsN0p[lN*1
#what's this? see http://www.dcs.ex.ac.uk/~aba/rsa/

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