There is another program that will crash your Linux box: wordIMperfect.
Yes I'm talking about the native Linux wordIMperfect.  For example try
paging through a document that has alot of EPS graphics figures.  If
you do it "too fast", it will crash your system.  There are other ways
to do it also, some I don't know how to repeat.

Today, I just discovered StarOffice.  I can already tell it is much
better than wordIMperfect.  Plus, you have all the other tools.  Now
if I could just find the documentation so I could learn how to use

| James D. Freels, P.E._i, Ph.D.  | Phone:  (423)576-8645  |   | L |
| Oak Ridge National Laboratory   | FAX:    (423)574-9172  | H | I |
| Research Reactors Division      | Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | F | N |
| P. O. Box 2008                  | Reactor Technology     | I | U |
| Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6392 | world's best neutrons! | R | X |

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