Ed Down wrote:


> What _I_ would like is a nice concise posting regarding setting up a mail
> filter for pine and other mail progs, posted regularly, so that instead of
> saying 'I will unsubscribe' and losing possibly important members of the
> list, people say 'That mail filter sounds easy to set up, I'll do that
> instead'.

<begin plug>
With Communicator one can start using filters and (gasp!) digital
<end plug>

Actually, I haven't had the time to set up my debian-user filters up. 
So currently all the emails to this list get dumped into a folder for
future reading.  A way of having meaningful subject lines could work. 
But again, it would not if people did not follow the naming convention. 
I emailed a post last week that went 'update-menus broken in 1.4?'  In
retrospect I think I should have chosen a better subject line.  How
about the following scheme -

[net] problem with communicator install
[x11] problem setting up fvwm2 menus


J/ my 2 cents.

             "When all else fails, read the instructions."
Sudhakar Chandrasekharan                            (415) 937-2354 (O)
International Web Engineer Type of Guy              (415) 940-1896 (H)

TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to
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