
As J.H.M.Dassen, and W Paul Mills kindly pointed out to me, "^TO" in
.procmailrc matches the beginning of most lines with recieving addresses. 
I will have to learn to read the mail carefully ... I missed it was
capital letters in TO ... and I also have to check things up in the
man-pages before answering. But that applies to many of the questioners on
this list as well. Please try to find the answers in the man-pages and the
/usr/doc dir before asking the list. That will probably reduce the load
quiet a bit ( wow, I found my way back to the topic of this thread ;)
On Tue, 10 Jun 1997, Fredrik Ax wrote:

> :0:/home/fax/mail/incoming/debian-user.lock
> * ^X-Mailing-List:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> /home/fax/mail/incoming/debian-user

But I still think it's better to filter on the "X-Mailing-List" header.
There are after all, methods of sending mails to the list without having
the address in any field of the header.

+- Fredrik Ax -+------ Snailmail ------+- Where to reach me on the net -+
|    \\|//     | Kämnärsvägen 13 E:202 | E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]          |
|     @ @      | S-226 46 LUND, SWEDEN | WWW: http://www.df.lth.se/~fax |

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