I am trying to install Debian 1.3.0 on my machine. It is 100MHZ Pentium
with 32K of RAM, 2GB hard drive, Pioneer SCSI CD ROM, and two Ethernet
Cards; 3Com 509 and 3Com 590.
Hopefully I will be able to put firewall on it.

The very first problem was my RESCUE disc. It can not be read and BIOS
reports "CRC error". Once in a while my computer reads it, but at the
end of installation process when trying to reboot either from floppy or
from the hard drive it reports "CRC" error again.
I have tried several different floppy disks from different manufacturers
and two different computers to do download with no success..

Note. I was able to install older version of debian but always with some
problems, either with Ethernet cards or with SCSI CD ROM.

Does anybody know how to fix this problem.

Thank you
Drazen Lalovic

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