What with recent talk about making dwww installed by default,
and someone solving PPP after being pointed in the right direction,
and other people complaining of not knowing which FM to read...

I got to wondering: would it be useful to have a debian
`help' package, which provided a command (eg `help') which
brought up a menu offering help on various topics.
Mostly it would really be `meta-help': pointers to the existence of 
the various documentation already available (/usr/{doc,man,info})
and how to access it.
But also you could have brief pointers on things like:
shadow passwords (->shadowconfig), dialup networking (->ppp docs),
windowing (->existence, and setting up of, X, window managers), etc.
This help menu could also (or instead) be a branch of the 
main menu system, for instant GUI access as well...

Or maybe dwww already does all or this, or almost all?
(I don't have dwww since I don't have any other need for
a local web server, and setting one up just for dwww seemed like
overkill - especially since dwww just(?) provides alternative
access to docs I already know how to get to.)

Anyway, an idea...

-- David Pfitzner

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