Alair Pereira do Lago wrote:

> Just an example, if I search info on mount I get
> --------------------
> Search results
> Documentation related to mount
> Package: mount
> Manual pages: nfs(5) fstab(5) swapoff(8) losetup(8) mount(8) swapon(8)
>               umount(8)
> Info files: none.
> Other documents: /usr/doc/mount /usr/doc/mount/examples
> Manual page search: amd(8) fdlist(1) fdmount(1) fdmountd(1) fdumount(1)
>                     gitmount(1) mmount(1) mount(2) mount(8) mountd(8)
>                     rpc.mountd(8) setup(2) showmount(8) smbmount(8) umount(2)

I just tried a search on mount. I have dwww and boa installed.
I only got the following. Any ideas why I don't get the rest?

Search results

Documentation related to mount

Manual page search: fdlist(1) fdmount(1) fdmountd(1) fdumount(1)
gitmount(1) mmount(1)
mount(2) mount(8) mountd(8) rpc.mountd(8) rpc.showmount(8) setup(2)
showmount(8) umount(2)

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