
after updating my Debian box at work from 1.2 to 1.3 (with
no problems) I accidently managed to lock as well my root
as my user account.

To repair I got the newest 1.3 Rescue Disk (resq1440.bin) 
from my Debian mirror, rawrite2´ed it to a floppy, booted the
system using the floppy, mounted my partitions, got a shell 
and did some repair. All went well :-)

When I rebooted to linux I noticed several network error 
messages, and ping showed "Network is unreachable".
Apparently the rescue disk had confused my WD8013 ethernet
card. Then I booted do DOS -- and it complety hang after
probing the ethernet card: "WD80x3 adress PROM contents are
invalid". I did a hard reset, and, look, my ethernet card
automagically awoke from paralyzation -- what the hell had

I remember that I had similar problems with two cheapo NE2000
clones after installing Debian the first time. One (Debian 1.1,
Dec 96) came back to life after consulting the DOS 
configuration tool (grrr...). The second case (1.2, Apr 97)
was more severe: the card refused even to answer to that DOS
config tool. This card has changed its PROM state to a new
IRQ (3) und IO (0x300). I managed to get it work again -- but
that should not happen.

Am I the only one with such an expirience? I should add that I
never managed to get the standard kernel to work with my 
ethernet cards, and always had to built a custom kernel (which I
prefer anyway). The hardware is in no way fancy: elderly 486
boards (with and without PCI) but quite sufficient under linux.

No, this no flame against Debian. Debian has been proved to be 
a rock solid linux distribution for me -- and its upgradebilty
is outstanding. But the initial hardware test seems to be offensive
against the hardware under test -- and that should not be.


Mfg  K.-W. Schulte

                             O##O            O##O     O##O           O##O
==The famous "Schwebebahn"====AA==suspension==AA=======AA===railway===AA====
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