By the time the major book publishers come out with a book/CD combination,
Debian will be up to 1.4 or later, lead time

On 13 Jun 1997, Michael Shaw wrote:

> Anyone know if there is a "Linux Unleashed" book/CD available for Debian 1.3? 
> I'm trying to find a place to get a CD at a decent price, but so far the 
> really 
> cheap places(CheapBytes, Tri-Linux) seem to have problems with their cut.  I
> am now considering PHT or InfoMagic, but if I can get a book AND CD for about 
> the same price or a little more then I'll do that.
> Anyone got recommendations?
> TIA,
> ---
> Mike Shaw                 ESN: 294-2731     VOICE: +1 (919) 991-2731
> Nortel Technology                             FAX: +1 (919) 991-8477
> Software Development Environment Support     INET:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 35 Davis Drive Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-3478 USA
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