
I've got a brand new Pentium II from Gateway 2000, and the 3Com 905
ethernet card is not behaving.

I first tried to install Debian 1.3 with the floppies I'd made on a
net-connected machine. That went okay, but then it couldn't see the
network, so I couldn't do the rest of the install.

So I used a CD with Debian 1.2.5 on it to install a minimal system, and
it still couldn't see the network. So I got the latest 3c59x driver
from Donald Becker's ftp site (which is at
ftp://cesdis.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/linux/drivers/vortex.html) and built a
new kernel (2.0.27) with that.

This worked, so I installed the 1.3 packages over the 1.2.5, compiled a
2.0.30 kernel (with the updated driver), and then the network went away
again with the reboot.

I've fiddled with PnP settings in the BIOS, checked IRQs and I/O
addresses, compiled the driver as a module and, nothing helps. There
are no messages on the logs indicating a problem, and ifconfig reports
that the card is up -- but nothing gets through.

So, I figured I'd go back to the 1.2.5 setup which had worked. This I
did, and it worked -- until I rebooted. So it seems I can get the
ethernet card to work once, right after installing 1.2.5 and compiling
a new kernel with the latest boomerang (3c90x) driver. After that, the
card won't talk. I can't figure out why...

If anyone has any tips or can help in any other way, I'd greatly
appreciate it.

Tim Bell                                      .--_|\ 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                             /      \
Department of Computer Science               \_.--._/
University of Melbourne, Australia                 v

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