If you still have the line starting 'lookup ...' in your /etc/resolv.conf try 
removing it completely. I checked the man page and there was no mention about 
lookup option.

My resolv.conf looks like this:

search ton.tut.fi cs.tut.fi atm.tut.fi cc.tut.fi

The search option simply means that when I type e.g. 'ping ftp' the resolver 
[1] first tries to see if there's ftp.ton.tut.fi and if the host is not found 
then tries ftp.cs.tut.fi and so forth. The search option is not needed and you 
can leave it out if you don't mind typing the hostnames in their full length.

There's also no 'domain' option in my /etc/resolv.conf since it's not 
necessary either. See 'man resolv.conf' for more info about the search and 
domain configuration options.

You probably don't need reverse arp (RARP) since it's only needed by disksless 
workstations and some other hardware which knows it's Ethernet (MAC) address 
and wants to know the respective IP-address. That's one of the main uses for 
reverse arp.

I also have a 3c509b at home and plug'n'play is causing small problems. To get 
the 3c509b working I need to have the driver as a loadable module and prior 
loading it I need to run 'pnpdump'. The reason for this is that I have a PnP 
Sound Blaster 32 which somehow masks the 3c509 and runinning pnpdump before 
'insmod 3c509' magically cures the problem.

'pnpdump' is an utility which resets all the PnP cards into the inactive 
state. See the pnpdump man page for more details. Pnpdump is part of the 
isapnptools package which is installed by default. Even the bootdisks have 

Before you try pnpdump do 'ifconfig eth0' first. This should show the
current status of your ethernet card. You might need to do 'rmmod 3c509'
before running pnpdump. My card looks like this:

eth0      Link encap:10Mbps Ethernet  HWaddr 00:20:AF:C4:60:B2
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          RX packets:5834274 errors:7 dropped:7 overruns:1
          TX packets:259211 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
          Interrupt:10 Base address:0x300

Note that the IRQ and base I/O address are also shown in the output. You
probably don't have 'PROMISC' flag shown in your output but that's ok.

If this looks ok, check the output of 'route -n' command. Mine looks like

Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface   U     0      0       23 eth0       U     0      0        1 lo         UG    1      0       50 eth0

The last checkpoint this time is the arp table. Try running 'arp -a' or
'arp -an' if 'arp -a' hangs. The output of arp should show at least the
HWaddress of your default gw after you have tried to initiate some outbound
traffic. Once again, here's my arp table:

Address                 HWtype  HWaddress           Flags Mask          Iface            ether   08:00:02:04:6A:78   C     *             eth0

The network diagnostic application number one is ping. Try pinging other
hosts and see what happens. Also traceroute might output something useful.

If this doesn't help send me the output of 'ifconfig eth0', 'route -n',
'arp -an' and the results of running ping and traceroute against
ftp.debian.org (

1. Resolver: a chunk of code in the c-library responsible for the
   hostname <-> ip-address conversion

PS. Just two more thoughts. When you reboot your machine hit the reset button
    during the boot. 

    Also try changing 'route add default gw ${GATEWAY} metric 1' to 'route
    add default gw ${GATEWAY} metric 1 dev eth0' in the /etc/init.d/network
    script. This should work without 'dev eth0' but one never knows...

// Heikki
Heikki Vatiainen                  * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tampere University of Technology  * Tampere, Finland

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