> touchable due to the heat. The ambient heat was enough
> to keep it really hot. That said, I never had any actual
> problems like this with it. How hot is it there?
> In that weather, just the heat out of the power supply is enough
> to keep things quite warm.

I bought one of these little fan thingies that they sell at a local store.
It replaces one of the 5-1/4" cover plates on the front of the computer
with a new plate that has two fans. It has a plug that operates off of
disk drive power.  This blows air directly over my hard disk and hopefully
extend the drive life.  I know from my work that higher temperatures
shorten the life of electrolytic capacitors dramaticly.  Keeping it a few
degrees cooler can mean the difference between a 10yr life expectancy and
a 3yr life expectancy for most electronic devices.

George Bonser

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