On Wed, 18 Jun 1997, Johannes Martinez wrote:

> I'll try this again, i have as yet been unable to post to this list.
>       I have smail delivering local mail, i have fetchmail getting mail
> from my pop account.  How do i get outgoing mail to be delivered when i
> dial up?  what is the best program to use?  Do i have to change anything
> in pines config?

I installed smail PPP, and elm packages from Debian, and everything
worked. I installed Pine tonight and Pine and the system sends mail
automatically to my ISP that does its magic to get mail where ever. I
didn't have to do anything special to get mail sent out, and the only
thing I have to do to get mail is to run popclient (later, fetchmail). 

>       As well what works best to sort mail?  Is there also something
> that will rip stuff off the subject line?  I subscribe to a list that has
> [header:10293] attached to every message so that messages don't get
> threaded.

I really don't know about this. The only thing I have heard about is
procmail which is supposed to enable witchcraft, and is widely used. 

>       Any info about the best newsfeed program for a slow link?

I have heard good things about and have tried slrn, but have not got it
to work. I expect it to yield if I can get an hour awake to look at it.

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