> On Jun 23, Sudhakar Chandrasekharan wrote
> > Sudhakar
> > PS: Does my digital signature attachment bother folks reading this list.
> Mutt doesn't know about this content-type, so I don't see it.

I shall not use these huge digital signatures that might annoy people.
I shall not use these huge digital signatures that might annoy people.
I shall not use these huge digital signatures that might annoy people.
I shall not use these huge digital signatures that might annoy people.
I shall not use these huge digital signatures that might annoy people.
I shall not use these huge digi

PS: Fans of the TV series The Simpsons will immediately get the
reference. ;-)
If you have not watched it, I suggest that you should start.
"I'm all for progress. It is change that I object to." -- Mark Twain
Sudhakar Chandrasekharan                            (415) 937-2354 (O)
International Web Engineer Type of Guy              (415) 940-1896 (H)

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