On Tue, 24 Jun 1997, Sudhakar Chandrasekharan wrote:

> The same in my case too.  Ideally, I would like to have seperate
> partitions for /, /usr, /usr/local, /home and /root.  One wants to
> maintain a clean machine. ;-)

The md-layout-mini-howto (or something with a similar name) has some fine
background reading. 
After reading it, I decided to put /usr/lib and /usr/local/lib on the
same partition, but different from the /usr partition. 
I made a /mnt.lib directory in the root filesystem and /usr.lib and
/usr.local.lib directories in the filesystem to be mounted at /mnt.lib.
Then I used the well-known tar-trick
  cd /from ; tar cf - . | ( cd /to ; tar xvf - )
to copy files and directories and symlinks over to the new partition.

I have so far encountered two problems:
- the tar-trick as above - quoted from "running linux" does not preserve
permissions; use p as an extra switch at the second invocation of tar.
There was a posting today that mentioned a couple more useful switches.
- /usr/lib/X11R6 is a symlink to /usr/X11R6/lib, but the latter is
expressed as ../X11R6/lib. This works when relative to /usr, but not
anymore when relative to /mnt.lib/usr.lib... I fixed this by making a
symlink X11R6 -> ../usr/X11R6 in /mnt.lib. Without this, packages like
xbanner wouldn't install.

The libs in /usr/X11R6/lib might be placed on the /mnt.lib filesystem as
well I guess, but I wonder if this wouldn't have given any problems
when purging and reinstalling X.

> Another thing.  The more installs and re-installs that one does, the
> more one learns in the process - IMO.  I have had hours of bliss (and
> learning) installing Debian on all kinds of machines.

If you want to try to install debian on a system with all these
partitioning tricks in place before the actual base installation, I'd love
to hear all about the bliss and learning :-)



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