On Mon, 30 Jun 1997, Eliezer Figueroa wrote:

>  I need to know where to find a program that could be use to split a 
> windows 95 partition without deleting the information in it. I need that 
> in order to install linux in my computer.

Two possibilities come to mind:

FIPS (at ftp.debian.org in /debian/tools), a freeware dos program which
will do this (you must defrag the Win95 partition first, which probably
means turning off swap and changing the attributes on any hidden or system

Partition Magic, a commercial program which does a bit more than fips,
such as moving and enlarging a partition.  It also comes with the OS/2
boot manager.

I've used both, but prefer Partition Magic.  Either will work reliably,
but the usual caveat is to backup your files before using one of these.
Partition Magic 3.0 will handle FAT32 partitions.


Bob Nielsen                 Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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