> I'm sure FIPS does a good job for a one off re-size of a partition, but
> I've never used it, so I wouldn't like to comment.
I've used FIPS some a couple of years ago - I really liked what it can
do.  However, the is one caveat - when shrinking a partition with a FAT
file system, remember that the cluster size is *not* going to change.

On DOS systems (I've not worked much with Win95) to get larger partitions
and file systems a huge cluster size is chosen.  This means that every little
file is allocated as much as 8k of disk.  To get around this shrink the
existing file-system so that the free space is the size you want for the final
DOS/Windows partition, create a file system (make it bootable if you want)
and then copy your files to that partition.  Once you've checked your work and
are sure that everything is as you want it to be, delete the original file-
system and use that space for you ext2fs.

And always make a backup or two before you start...


Chuck Stickelman, Owner                 E-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Practical Network Design                Voice:  (419) 529-3841
9 Chambers Road                         FAX:    (419) 529-3625
Mansfield, OH 44906-1302 USA

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