On Wed, 2 Jul 1997, Bob Nielsen wrote:

> Of course you will have to edit /etc/fstab and probably /etc/lilo.conf
> plus run lilo before rebooting.

Thanks to those who've replied.  One last question:  at the moment I've
got three partitions on my drive :

hda1 Win95 (hanging head in shame)
hda5 Debian 
hda6 linux swap

Ok.  I've still got a gig free.  If I partition this into a few linux
partitions for /usr, /, /home,  etc.,  I'll have names like:

        Ok.  So I put those in lilo.conf and in fstab,  and life's good.
Now if I _delete_ hda5,  do they all get bumped back up a number?  Won't
that confuse lilo,  when it looks for vmlinuz on hda7 but the partition's
been renamed to hda6?


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