On Fri, 4 Jul 1997, James R. Van Zandt wrote:

> >My /usr/local mounted read-only when I install emacs. The package keep
> >complaining about /usr/local is mounted read-only.
> packages are not allowed to store files into /usr/local.  However, the
> emacs package is installing only directories:
>     $ dpkg -L emacs|grep local
>     /usr/local
>     /usr/local/lib
>     /usr/local/lib/emacs
>     /usr/local/lib/emacs/site-lisp               
> I believe that's okay.

Technically, I think you're right.  However, this effectively means
that /usr/local is forbidden to be mounted read-only on debian
systems -- at least during package installs.  Perhaps the debian
policy on this needs a review. (??)

FSSTND-1.2 says that /usr/local must be empty after the initial
Linux install, except for the subdirectories bin, doc, etc, games,
lib, man, sbin, and src.  I infer that these subdirs may optionally
exist or not exist after initial Linux install.

The Debian policy.text.gz file, version, requires that
packages which search "... a number of directories or files for
something" should also search "... an appropriate directory in
/usr/local" (but doesn't specify the order of search.  I'm not
sure I understand this requirement), and also requires that packages
should create empty directories in the /usr/local tree, "In order
that the system administrator may know where to place additional
files." This last requirement, of course, is incompitable with having
a read-only /usr/local filesystem during package installs.

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