On Tue, 8 Jul 1997, Dave Cinege wrote:

> On Tue, 8 Jul 1997 20:05:56 -0400 (EDT), Matthew Tebbens wrote:
> >I kinda like the idea myself.
> >I don't think we could create a LINUX-Certified or should,
> >but what about a Debian Certification ?
> >
> >Think about it, 
> >If Debian were the first to come out with Certifications, it might
> >improve Debian's standing in the Unix/Linux community. Should definitly
> >think about this and don't discard the idea because someone might make
> >some money off it. If it comes to that, any money should be put back
> >into the Debian project.
> I think we need a Debian Sys Admin book to study from first!  : >

You need to think long and hard about doing anything like this.   There
are certifications and there are certifications.  I mean that some are
simply a way to generate revenue from selling course materials and
requiring frequent recertification with steep fees for taking the tests.
That should be avoided.  ASE certification for auto mechanics comes to
mind.  I know one guy that never worked a day in his life as a machanic
yet passed the master mechanic exam.  He was the service dispatcher at a
car dealership.  Using ASE as another example, all of the rip-off shops in
town boldly post ASE signs while all the very best shops with the most
experianced mechanics had fewer than half their staff "Certified". So a
certification can really not mean very much more than free advertizing and
if you have to rely on the Cert to get business ... well ...

George Bonser
http://corsica.shorelink.com -- XXXX xxxxx hosting for $XX.XX / month.

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