On 8 Jul 1997, Eloy A. Paris wrote:

> Uhhmmm... I personally do not like the idea. When talking about
> certifications we are always talking about big bucks. I guess
> certifications would take away the spirit of free software on which
> Linux and Debian are based on...

I agree. Being a born rebel. And self-taught in nearly everything
I do. I have known many a _certified_ person who was book smart ONLY.

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: W. Paul Mills          : Bill, I was there several years ago.     :
: Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A. : Why would I want to go back tomorrow?    :
: [EMAIL PROTECTED]     : Where were you!                          :
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: [EMAIL PROTECTED]      : Linux:     Tomorrow's operating system,  :
: [EMAIL PROTECTED]      :            here, today.                  :
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