David R. Kohel hat gesagt: // David R. Kohel wrote: ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> I found mutt in unstable, but slang 0.99.38 is not available,                 
> giving a conflict.  Where do I get the complete package for                   
> mutt?                                                                         

 Well, I installed mutt from the source, because then debian-package I
 downloaded depends on libc6 which I didn't install yet. Compiling is easy
 because mutt comes with autoconf. I used slang from package
 "slang0.99.34-dev_0.99.38-2.1.deb" in hamm/hamm/devel/,  works fine for me.

> I don't find PGP on the mirror here (Singapore).  Where is PGP                
> usually located on non-US mirrors?                                            

  In the README.pgp on the german ftp-site I found an australian mirror for
  the non-US-PGP-package that might suit you:

   Australia      ftp.progsoc.uts.edu.au:/pub/Linux/debian-non-US/
                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  directory is /pub/debian-non-US/


                                Frank Barknecht


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