Frank Barknecht wrote:

>Here's my way: 
>I "su" to root and start the connection with 
>$ pon 
>This starts pppd with the chatscript directives I have stored in 
>/etc/ppp.chatscript. All normal debian-ppp usage!

When I type pon, I get this:

/dev/modem: unrecognized command
pppd version 2.2 patch level 0
Usage: /usr/sbin/pppd [ arguments ], where arguments are:

and a list of arguments.

I don't have a file called /etc/ppp.chatscript.  The HOW-TO I read
( specifies files
called ppp-on, ppp-on-dialer and ppp-off (in /etc).

Would simply having a correctly configured /etc/ppp.chatscript cause
pon to operate correctly?  Or Do I have another config problem?  Or 
something else I need to install?  BTW my PPP connection works fine
when I start it manually with minicom and then start pppd.

Could you (or anyone else?) perhaps send me a working example of

Thank You
David Densmore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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