Not that I don't love starting my PPP connection manually with minicom,
but I was hoping to configure the automated scripts.

I read the PPP HOW-TO, and think I have them set up ok, but I can't
figure out how to activate them.

What command do I use to get the script to fire up my modem and do
its stuff?

One other thing, I don't understand the last part of the HOW-TO about
starting PPP at the server end (which I have to do).

>From I quote:

>In my case, my PPP server uses the standard Linux Bash prompt
>   _________________________________________________________________
>   _________________________________________________________________
>and requires that I type
>   _________________________________________________________________
>   _________________________________________________________________
>to start up PPP on the server.
>It is a good idea to allow for a bit of error recovery here, so in my
>case I use
>   _________________________________________________________________
>        hartr--hartr    ppp
>   _________________________________________________________________

My PPP server randomly presents me with one of following prompts:


I don't understand how to translate the author's example to my server,
and since I don't know how to run the script in the first place, I
can't experiment.

O mighty Linux gurus, please alleviate my cluelessness.

David Densmore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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