Jason Killen writes:
>Along those lines.  What tty is my modem????  I have two working com
>ports and an internal modem.  Is there a way to say the internal is number 1
>or number 2 if I want.  
This is usually set by jumpers on the modem along with the interupt.  If
you have 2 builtin com ports you need to put your modem at com3(ttyS2) or
com4(ttyS3).  If you are not using the builtin's and your mother board
has jumpers you can also disable the on board com ports and make your
modem be com1(ttyS0) or com2(ttyS1).

>And I though getting the ethernet stuff up was crazy.  (Actually it wasn't
>that bad.)
My guess is that modems are a bit more work since you have to first 
establish a connection and then you are at the point of the ethernet
cards. But this is only my opinion since I have never set up an ethernet
card.(Somebody want to drop a T1 in my house?)

Mechanical Engineering                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University                   http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

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