Manoj Srivastava wrote:

> Hi,
>         I'm afraid I don't quite understand your question. The kernel
>  does nothing special for libc6 dependent stuff. As long as you have
>  the shared library installed, the executables that depend on them
>  will work, even with older kernels.
>         The kernel has nothing to do with the locales problems (in
>  other wordsZ: recompiling will not solve your problems). What version
>  of the locales package do you have?
>         manoj

  I was confused about libs.  Now I think I understand.  For instance, if I use
gcc, I must use libc5 or libc6 depending upon whether gcc was compiled using
libc5 or libc6 respectively.  Is this correct?

Also does the kernel use libs or not use them or is it completely self

There are several bug reports against the locales package which explain why I
cannot set the locale info.



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