Dear listmembers,

I have just installed Linux (debian) and I was very happy with the 
installation "wizard".  It sure made it easy to install.

I would like to suggest something though.  Is it possible that in future 
realease 'man' be included in the base system?  I'll explain why...

I have installed, using the rescue, drivers and base diskettes the Debian 
Linux on my PC.  Nevertheless because the driver for my NIC (3C905-TX) is 
not current as of 1.3 release, my networking is disabled (I have to get a 
patch; that's a all new story... it's been giving me a headache to but 
I'll get there eventually).

As such I can't install any additional packages (I don't have a CD so I 
need to install accross the net).

I have noticed that there are lotza man pages in my basic setup but no 
'man' command to read them. :-)

Well just a suggestion as man does come handy! :-)

See ya,


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