On Jul 23, Robert D. Hilliard wrote
>      The rule of thumb of three times RAM has always seemed highly
> illogical to me.  A machine with 8 mb probably needs much more than 24
> mb, while one with 97 mb probably doesn't need any.

IMHO, if you *need* swap space greater than two times your physical
memory size, you need in fact more RAM. The swapping will probably
slow your system down to virtual unusability.

My 8 MB machine has 20 MB of swap. The system becomes virtually
unusable when swap usage hits 16 megs. Usually, however, it stays
below 4 MB. No X here.


                That is the true beginning of our end.
                       ... All for your delight
                           We are not here.
          (Peter Quince in William Shakespeare's /A Midsummer Night's Dream/)

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