On Sun, 27 Jul 1997, Bob Nielsen wrote:


> > > Do you have an entry in /etc/inetd.conf like:-
> > > smtp    stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/sbin/tcpd  /usr/sbin/in.smtpd


> After reading the previous response, I noticed that my /etc/inetd.conf
> did NOT have smtp defined.  Adding that also fixes the problem for me
> (without the need for the mda line). 

There is/was a rogue package in the system which obliterates inetd.conf in
the process of changing it.  This happened to me and I know of other
cases, but I have not been able to track down the cause.

So have a look at your file - if it is but a few lines long you have the
same problem.  If indeed this is the case will you please send me a copy
before you fix it?


Lindsay Allen   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Perth, Western Australia
voice +61 8 9316 2486    modem +61 8 9364-9832      32S, 116E

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