On %M %N, Victor Torrico wrote
> Hello all,

> Am using fetchmail to move mail from my ISP's POP3 server to my
> machine.   Cannot move POP3 mail, using fetchmail, from the ISP server
> to my client machine.  Here's the error message when executing the
> fetchmail command in an xterm either as a user or root:

[snip -all seems fine]
> fetchmail: POP3< +OK 2857 octets
> reading message 1 (2857 bytes)
> fetchmail: SMTP connect to localhost failed: Unknown error
> 18446744073709551615
> fetchmail: POP3> QUIT
> fetchmail: POP3< -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
> fetchmail: SMTP transaction error while fetching from milo.cfw.com:
> Unknown error 18446744073709551615
> fetchmail: normal termination, status 9
> vtorrico$

Have you made sure that "localhost" is allowed to post to your machine?
Also check that the recipient is qualified. In fact here is a bit of my
/etc/exim.conf file - it might not be right but at least it works :)

qualify_domain = wyvern
qualify_recipient = wyvern
local_domains = wyvern:localhost
and here is what I currently use in my .fetchmailrc (I call fetchmail
with no arguments). My POP3 name is "adrian.bridgett" and my local login
name is "apb25".

poll mail.zetnet.co.uk
 proto pop3
 user adrian.bridgett is [EMAIL PROTECTED] here
 password *******
# keep
 mda "exim -bm %s "
This posts directly to exim, and does not post to the local SMTP

.signature in post

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