Travis Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Andy way it is a cool little app.  Pretty much what it does is let you make a
> list of people and then notify you when they are on line.  It then lets you
> find out there IP address, send them messages, chat, send files and all that
> fun stuff.  These other people have to have ICQ also of course.  It is pretty
> neat because you can just drop someone a message and if they are on line then
> the get it right then or if the are off it sends it to a server run bye
> Mirabilis wick waits for them to come on line and then forward it to them. 
> You can open up multiple person chat and send people URLs, pictures, files and
> email.  It is built in with a lot of Win95 junk that wouldn't be needed on a
> Linux version.  Like it will automaticly call an app if say someone sends you 
> a
> wav file it calls a wav player or it will call your web browse if they send 
> you
> a URL.  It only does this when you want it to so don't worry about your web
> browser opening up all the sudden if someone sends you a URL.  It is also very
> customizable.

So, basically, it's about what irc (on a network with services) can do for you?
Seems like an incredible breakthrough getting something we've had for several
years on a lot more platforms.


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