Adam Shand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> ICQ allows new comers to easily learn to keep tabs on what other friends
> are on line at the same time they are.  It allows people like me, with a
> permenant connection, to have friends blast me a message that pops up on my
> screen within  a few seconds of it being sent.  For me (getting ~ 400
> emails a day) this immediacy, and convenience, is great.

Tabs on friends are called /notify.
Messages to others... well.. /msg, or /notice if you like..

> The main reason I've stopped using ICQ (apart from no Linux support :) is
> that I can't stay connected to their server.  It keeps kicking me off and
> not allowing me to reconnect for several hours.

Are you saying ICQ lacks server<->server connections? If so, it's not even
progress reinventing the wheel like that.

Replacing a free, well established, fully functional, and multi-platform with
a non-free, single platform lacking basic functionality for handling networks
as they look today, sounds more insane than sane to me. Investing some time
making the irc clients more user friendly sounds much more like a sane idea
to me.


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