When starting Netscape Communicator 4.01 v6 from xterm, using the  "Netscape &"
command, there are no error messages generated.  All works well including
encryption and decryption.

When starting it using the "Netscape" button on the fvwm95 button bar an error
message appears and everything works well except for encryption and decryption.

The error message reads "No valid encryption policy file was found for this
English language version of Communicator.  All encryption and decryption will
be disabled."

Pertinent excerpt from .fvwm2rc95 file follows immediately:

-------------- [ snip ] -------------------------
*FvwmButtons(Title Netscape, Icon nscape.xpm, \
             Action 'Exec "Netscape" netscape -geometry 920x622+90+5 &')
-------------- [ snip ] -------------------------

How can Communicator be started from the button bar without generating the
error message?


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