On Jul 29, Victor Torrico wrote
> When starting Netscape Communicator 4.01 v6 from xterm, using the  "Netscape 
> &"
> command, there are no error messages generated.  All works well including
> encryption and decryption.
> When starting it using the "Netscape" button on the fvwm95 button bar an error
> message appears and everything works well except for encryption and 
> decryption.
> The error message reads "No valid encryption policy file was found for this
> English language version of Communicator.  All encryption and decryption will
> be disabled."
> Pertinent excerpt from .fvwm2rc95 file follows immediately:
> -------------- [ snip ] -------------------------
> *FvwmButtons(Title Netscape, Icon nscape.xpm, \
>              Action 'Exec "Netscape" netscape -geometry 920x622+90+5 &')
> -------------- [ snip ] -------------------------
> How can Communicator be started from the button bar without generating the
> error message?

Maybe they are running different copies of Netscape (the PATH maybe
different). "type netscape" will tell you which version you are running. 
One might be a shell-script wrapper around netscape.

.signature in post

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