On Mon, 4 Aug 1997, Brandon Mitchell wrote:

> I've been trying to get in touch with the c.o.l.a. moderator (I'm pretty 
> sure that's who it was) to get permission to add a modified version of 
> his procmail filter to /usr/doc/procmail/examples.  It includes things 
> like blacklist, whitelist, vacation, newsgroup filters, etc.  However, I 
> haven't had a response so I may just send it to the procmail maintainer 
> to see what he/she thinks.

This is rediculous.  First of all, I get my mail from a POP3
server on some system somewhere I don't even have access to.
There's no way for me to filter incoming mail.  I have to
download all of it first -- and its costs a helluva lot more
to connect here than it does in the heart land.

Second of all, requiring newbies to use procmail filters
just to get help is totally unreasonable.  I think if they
can figure out procmail, they don't need much help in the
first place.

> > Another idea/question - can a filter explode messages from
> > debian-user-digest?
> There's a debian package for this, try looking through the packages file 
> for digest.  I know I've seen it before.

If you happen to have procmail installed, there's a binary
in the package called formail.  From the man page:

       To split up a digest one usually uses:
              formail +1 -ds >>the_mailbox_of_your_choice
              formail +1 -ds procmail

The former is safe as long as your sure there won't be
anything else writing to the "mailbox_of_your_choice" file
at the same time.  Incidentally, I think the second example
should be a pipe, e.g.:

              formail +1 -ds | procmail

and this would require having a working procmail
configuration.  I don't know anything about any digest
specific package, but it may be simpler if you're not sure
about the race condition issue.  I do this currently and
dump it into a file that nothing would possibly write to,
then I read it as a folder in pine.

Case in point?  Debian-* may be the first mailing list(s) in
history that you need to _learn_ how to read (the mailing
list, not the words -- of course you'd have to know how to 
read those too!)



"Until we extend the circle of our compassion to all living 
things, we will not ourselves find peace" -Albert Schweitzer

Richard G. Roberto

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