The word 'newbie' just plain sucks, but why not use it anyway? We can even think of ways to 'haze' them until they are considered part of the elite!
I use procmail to meet my needs, not because it is required. Some unfortunate user who is trying to install Debian because we told him it was better than slackware doesn't have ppp working. He sends mail to a debian list using his mother's palmtop (windows-CE) or webTV. Obviously he needs help so he can get his personal hardware operational. Why not keep it simple? He sends mail to debian-help and checks his pop3 mailbox to see whether the cavalry will come to his rescue or not. After we get him up and running, he can participate in other discussions and hear about the pros and cons of emacs, which mta to use, the perfect procmail setup, and the like. +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ + Paul Wade Greenbush Technologies Corporation + + mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] + +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .