> Don't get me wrong, but maybe you don't use the mount command the right
> way ?
> To mount a CD-Rom you have to use something like mount -t iso9660
> /dev/hdb /cdrom
> To mount a fat Partition mount -t fat /dev/hda6 /mnt

You are right to ask -- no offense taken.  My understanding is that by
setting fstab up correctly I do not need those commandline params.  Do
not quote me, but my fstab reads something like:

/dev/cdrom  /cdrom  iso9660 user,noauto....
/dev/fd0    /floppy msdos   conv=auto

I know that is not quite right but I do not have Internet access fully
setup yet.  When I compile the fs into the kernel these settings work,
when I make the fs's modules I have to insmod first.

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