Hi, everyone -- I am having the same problem as the original poster; my kerneld (yes, I _do_ have _only_ auto enabled in /etc/conf.modules) doesn't want to mount the floppy in msdos automagically. However, when I do (as root) insmod /lib/modules/2.0.30/fs/fat.o ;followed by insmod /lib/modules/2.0.30/fs/msdos.o I can mount the floppy using -t msdos option. I have tried and can _not_ mount the floppy even after the insmod ../fat.o is executed, if it isn't followed by insmod.../msdos.o command. I have both fs types configured as modules, and I have done so in 2.0.27 kernel (but I can't prove it anymore :-)) without problems I'm having now. Maybe this is a feature, that you _have_ to build the fat support right in... Just my 2 cents
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