On Fri, 15 Aug 1997, Craig Sanders wrote:

 : that's one of the reasons i prefer packet filtering to tcp-wrappers.
 : block it out in the kernel before it gets to the application level.

Hmm.. I don't agree with you on your last sentence. Why should the kernel
take care of something which has absolutely nothing to do with the kernel
Blocking mail is something that, imho, the MTA should do. That is, the MTA
handles 'mail', like the kernel handles 'packets'. And the spam is in the
'mail', not in the 'packets'. Do you understand what I mean?

 : > Another reason that you don't want to use (imho) tcpd as a spamfilter: I
 : > like to 'filter' messages on more than just the other end's IP-address.
 : > I know ZMailer supports additional blocking:
 : >   - source address (ip)
 : >   - HELO line
 : >   - MAIL line
 : >   - RCPT line
 : >   - existance of a valid DNS-entry in the several lines
 : can any of the MTAs reject mail based on arbitrary headers?  or even just
 : the To: header (e.g. "To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]")?
Nope. At least none I'm aware of.

 : I know i can do this easily enough with procmail (in fact, I do), but
 : IMO this is a job for the mail transfer agent, not the delivery agent.
I don't have an opinion on this.


// Remco van de Meent   
//   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
//   www: http://oloon.student.utwente.nl
//   " Never make any mistaeks. "

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