On Aug 19, 1997, at 15:47, Leandro Asnaghi-Nicastro wrote:
 >     I also have a P133 with 16MB of ram.  I originally installed Linux
 >     on this machine, but I now need it for CAD.  I would like to remove
 >     Linux from it but I have been unable via standard methods (ie:
 >     bootable floppy to format HD).  Any suggestions on how I can format
 >     the hard drive so that I can installed (*yikes*) Windows '95?

Did you partition your drives? If the answer is yes, you'll have to:

1. Boot from floppy.
2. Use MS DOG's fdisk to erase all partitions.
3. Repartition as you wish.
4. Use MS DOG's format to format the drives. Probably use the /S flag
   on the first bootable (usually, C:) partition.

If you are going to leave the drives partitioned as they are, just
reformat them with MS DOG's format (that is, skip steps 2 and 3).

Note: Make sure you have everything you need on that bootable MS DOG

1. System (IO.SYS, MSDOS.SYS, whatnot)
2. fdisk
3. format
4. a text editor
5. drivers fro your hardware (CD-ROM?)
6. anything you deem necessary

Then, install MS DOG or Winblows 95. Pity on you.

Gonzalo A. Diethelm G.

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