>On Thu, 21 Aug 1997 13:34:29 -0400 (EDT), Dave Cinege wrote:
>>> Sidetracking the issue insults my intellegence. Fuck you. 
>>Resorting to vulgarities on a public mailing list should get you bounced
>>from the list. Like Behan said, grow up.
>Then fuck you too. Bounce me. Weld you're power to stifle my 'bad' speech.
>Dare you use your filter instead.....

and in another post to the list:

>There was no good reason for a corp to be formed. I kept quite. There was no
>good reason to put out an 'Official' cd (which hurt a lot of our CD-R guys),
>and I kept quite. Now for the most pethtic reason, the entire version control
            ^^^^^                   ^^^^^^^
>system (and quality of product, both perceived and actual) is at stake. Now I'm
>ventting my shit with full force. I see where this is leading.

I say we bump him not only to "stifle his bad speech," as he put it, but also
for his bad *spelling*.  This type of spelling reflects poorly on the entire
Debian community.  At a time when Debian and the Linux community as a whole is
doing such a great job of promoting the idea of free software, this could cast a
serious pall over the whole movement.  Can people really expect quality software
from people who can't even spell simple English words like "wield," "quiet,"
"pathetic" and "venting?"

Imagine the arguments from the Windows NT and commercial Unix vendors: "No
wonder they insist on free software.  They obviously didn't receive the type of
education that would allow them to get jobs which provided the income neccessary
to *purchase* software.  Do you *really* want an operating system developed by
people like *this* to control your mission-critical computing needs, Mr.
Computer User?"

Expanding on his own argument that having Debian incorporate will hurt the
distribution, I agree fully that having an actual organization with liability
for stabilizing releases can only hurt. I mean, who the hell is going to trust a
distribution that comes from an actual organized entity rather than some
collection of nameless developers?  Not me!  And as far as paying goes, great
free software is our (users') birthright.  If the debian developers want to go
LIKE IT!  Fame and immortality come at a high price (some might even say they
are priceless).

However, I am much more concerned about the impact that bad spelling will have
on the distribution.  Swearing will intimidate Debian's rivals, and should be
promoted wholeheartedly!  But poor spelling will simply give them more ammo
against non-commercial software, and that's something we can't afford.

Now that we are done discussing these weighty matters that profoundly affect 
average Linux user, can we have a little lighter subject matter?  A little
comedy relief like helping users solve technical problems and get up and


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