Subject: Re[2]: Expelling David Cinege from the list
From:    David Neuer
Date:    8/22/97  8:53 AM

I didn't mean to insult you David (well, maybe to tease a little).  I just meant
to use sarcasm to indicate my frustration with the degree to which this thread
has taken over this mailing list.  I strongly believe (as a Debian user) that
most Debian users don't care about this issue at all.  I also think that
probably the majority of users would accept the reasons given for the change as
being valid ones.

Most importantly, however, I am sick of having to wade through these messages in
my Mailbox.  The Debian mailing lists frequently crash my mail reader at work. 
I don't mind this for mail that is informative and provides me with meaningful
information that helps me as a Debian user, but if most of the messages are
meaningless bickering, then it's not worth the hassle.

Perhaps you should start a new list devoted to debating policy.

Anyway, I hope this thread stops soon.

Dave N.
Subject: Re: Expelling David Cinege from the list
From:    "Dave Cinege" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at Internet
Date:    8/22/97  12:22 AM

On Thu, 21 Aug 1997 13:54:36 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>>On Thu, 21 Aug 1997 13:34:29 -0400 (EDT), Dave Cinege wrote:
>>>> Sidetracking the issue insults my intellegence. Fuck you. 
>>>Resorting to vulgarities on a public mailing list should get you bounced
>>>from the list. Like Behan said, grow up.
>>Then fuck you too. Bounce me. Weld you're power to stifle my 'bad' speech.
>                               ^^^^
>>Dare you use your filter instead.....
>and in another post to the list:
>>There was no good reason for a corp to be formed. I kept quite. There was no
>                                                          ^^^^^
>>good reason to put out an 'Official' cd (which hurt a lot of our CD-R guys),
>>and I kept quite. Now for the most pethtic reason, the entire version control
>            ^^^^^                   ^^^^^^^
>>system (and quality of product, both perceived and actual) is at stake. Now
>>ventting my shit with full force. I see where this is leading.
> ^^^^^^^^
>I say we bump him not only to "stifle his bad speech," as he put it, but also
>for his bad *spelling*.  This type of spelling reflects poorly on the entire
>Debian community.  At a time when Debian and the Linux community as a whole 
>doing such a great job of promoting the idea of free software, this could cast
>serious pall over the whole movement.  Can people really expect quality
>from people who can't even spell simple English words like "wield," "quiet,"
>"pathetic" and "venting?"
>Imagine the arguments from the Windows NT and commercial Unix vendors: "No
>wonder they insist on free software.  They obviously didn't receive the type of
>education that would allow them to get jobs which provided the income 
>to *purchase* software.  Do you *really* want an operating system developed by
>people like *this* to control your mission-critical computing needs, Mr.
>Computer User?"
>Expanding on his own argument that having Debian incorporate will hurt the
>distribution, I agree fully that having an actual organization with liability
>for stabilizing releases can only hurt. I mean, who the hell is going to trust
>distribution that comes from an actual organized entity rather than some
>collection of nameless developers?  Not me!  And as far as paying goes, great
>free software is our (users') birthright.  If the debian developers want to go
>LIKE IT!  Fame and immortality come at a high price (some might even say they
>are priceless).
>However, I am much more concerned about the impact that bad spelling will have
>on the distribution.  Swearing will intimidate Debian's rivals, and should be
>promoted wholeheartedly!  But poor spelling will simply give them more ammo
>against non-commercial software, and that's something we can't afford.
>Now that we are done discussing these weighty matters that profoundly affect
>average Linux user, can we have a little lighter subject matter?  A little
>comedy relief like helping users solve technical problems and get up and

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From: "Dave Cinege" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 97 00:22:52 -0500
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Subject: Re: Expelling David Cinege from the list

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