On Thu, 21 Aug 1997, Bruce Perens wrote:

> From: Paul Wade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > I suppose all 67 megs in bo-updates is being held there for some other
> > reason?
> I had a phone conversation with Guy Maor. He says he'll make the release
> next week. He says he has no problem with the version numbering scheme.
> He was not waiting for me. He says he understands why someone would be
> impatient with 67 megs sitting there, and says that bo-updates was only
> a temporary solution and this should not be the usual state of our release
> engineering.

That's good to hear. Some of us vendors actually use Debian in our
business operations so we benefit along with our customers.

> A substantial part of that 67MB is the X change for Richard Stallman.
> XDM prints "Debian GNU/Linux" rather than "Debian Linux". All of X got
> rebuilt to keep the release numbers consistent. I have no problem
> accomodating Richard, but I don't need to rush this change to every last
> user and make them spend money to get it, do I?

As long as it doesn't print 'Microsoft' or 'Slackware', it doesn't bother
me a bit. This is the type of change that I normally note on my 'busy
list' of things to do before releasing the next needed upgrade. I usually
upgrade packages for the bug fixes and new features. Inserting 'GNU/' in a 
constant is neither.

+ Paul Wade                         Greenbush Technologies Corporation +
+ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]              http://www.greenbush.com/ +
+ http://www.greenbush.com/cds.html         Now shipping version 1.3.? +

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