Dave Cinege:
> You just don't get it. Debian is not supposed to be a company!!!
> Debian is supposed to be the efforts of it's developers!  When
> you say Debian Inc should do xxxxxx, you're not saying the devs
> should do it but the few (one?) guys directly in charge of Debian
> Inc.

This is the last email I'll spend on this issue.  Of course debian is
the result of the efforts of it's developpers.  But it is a joint
effort.  It is coordinated, and people divide tasks among them.  The
`guys directly in charge of Debian Inc.' are democratically chosen by
the developpers.  Debian is not a company in which the leadership
decides what the developpers do, the developpers assign the `leadership'
certain tasks.  After some time, the `leaders' are re-elected, or not.
Pure anarchism is rarely a good system to get anything done.

Anyone can stand up and make a CD.  That's OK.  In the same way that
the distribution is put together, an official CD is put together.  It
is important that this CD is known to originate from the debian
developpers, as some kind of (limited) certification to the outside
world that it is a well tested CD.  

> >> B) The distribution should not change to suite the needs of cookie cutters.
> >The distribution hasn't changed to suit the needs of any cookie
> >cutter.  Only the naming scheme.  This is a minor detail.
> This is why there have ben how many changes to 1.3.1, and it's still called 
> 1.3.1?

That is an error you can criticize.  It was not done on purpose, and
therefore you cannot claim it is a severe flaw in the policy.

> Does the word frozen mean anything to you?
Ice cubes.

Eric Meijer

 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])          | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology             | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax    +31 40 2455054

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